Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What to do if abducted by a UFO while on vacation

1. Keep your passport with you at all times.

2. Bring along a small inflatable pillow for your added comfort.

3. Dress in layers. At the time of the abduction, you'll probably be wearing pajamas, so grab a sweater and raincoat. Substitute comfy shoes for slippers.

4. Be a smart traveler. Check your purse or backpack for your sewing kit, Swiss army knife, camera with extra film and a postcard showing the name of your hotel. Remember your motion sickness pills - a must for any space traveler.

5. Ask the aliens about the weather where you're going. If still uncertain, bring both an umbrella and sun screen (minimum 15 SPF).

6. Call the hotel's front desk and cancel your early morning wake-up call.

7. Put your room key/card in your shoe to keep your hands free. (Always beware of pickpockets.)

8. Not knowing what sanitary facilities you might find at your surprise destination, a roll of toilet paper is a must to carry along on your journey.

9. Always have a few snacks with you - such as mints, nuts and fruit. Don't forget a bottle of water.

10. If this is to be your last night in the hotel, be very specific with the aliens about your check-out time.


Visit Roberta's Cat Lady blog


b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

Unless you traveled a lot you would never even get this. I laughed so hard. Now let me say that if I were abducted by aliens (the outer space kind or even the kind that climb over fences and hide in cargo holds of ships) I would only have a copy of my passport and the real one would be in the hotel safe. If they are wrong type of abductor, they will only want my passport. At least in that case the people at the hotel would miss me after a while and call the police...I think. :)


Thank for the comment on my blog. Another Cat Lady! WOW

Bernita said...

Very good list.
Thank you for dropping by my blog.

Future Crazy Cat Lady said...

Dang! I could have used that last year on my roadtrip!